Monday, August 9, 2010

Tomb Raider - Underworld

                          IV. Walkthrough            

Yay, the important part of the FAQ. Let's pop this baby in and see what Lara
has in store for us this year.
===============Croft Manor Ruins=================

Whoa, holy crap. Her house just randomly blew up. That sucks. Lara apparently
happened to be randomly patrolling the halls with a shotgun at the moment. Now
you take control of her. Croft Manor has always been the training level and
just because the place is burning down is no exception. I guess that's what

Lara's house does best. But don't sweat, it's a piece of cake.

|            Croft Manor Ruins            |
|=======Treasure: 0=======================|
|=======Relics: 0=========================|

If you've played Legend or Anniversary, it's the same controls. There's only
one thing you have to worry about, and I don't know if you knew this, but
recent scientific studies show fire = bad so stay away from it.

It's a straight path through the hallway. At the end, pull the lever and enter
the next room. Here you'll crouch walk through the small space under the
burning debris then wrap around until the path is blocked, in which you'll
jump onto the ledge in front of you via the Space bar. Hit the Space bar again
to climb up.

For the grapple to work you have to be staring in the general direction of
your target; in this case, the handle to the door. Press Q to shoot it and
when it latches on, press E to pull the door down. I would've just used the
doorknob. But whatever. Go through here and pick up the health pack in front
of you. To get across this lovely fiery abyss, you need to jump onto and grab
the outcropping ledge going along the wall that the health pack was by. Jump
to the one above and make your way across. At the end, press Ctrl to drop to
the bottom; move as far left as you can and jump backwards across the hole. If
you do it right, good job! If not, horrible things happen, and then you load
and start over.

In the next area there is a block. Don't ask me why there's a block. There's
also a vase next to the block, and for kicks you can approach and press E to
make Lara smash it (anger issues). Push the block to the far wall so that the
burning pile of crap is to the right. Again jump on the ledge and make your
way across. This time you'll be jumping to her right to clear the debris. Once
you do that, go through the hallway, jumping over the hole that appears in
front of you. Once in the main hall, take a left and grapple across another
fiery abyss to the other side. Wrap around to the dead end, then drop safely
to the ground floor as prompted. Watch a short confusing cutscene and end the

Wow. Was Zip's hair always that crazy? Holy crap. Well that night turned out
crappy. Let's backtrack a week and see why.

===============Mediterranean Sea=================
==Treasure: 26===================================
==Relics: 1======================================

After the cutscene, jump off the back of the boat into the water. She has a
scuba apparatus on so don't worry, she has oxygen. You can play in the water
as long as you want. In front of you you'll see the remains of a big temple on
the seafloor that you will swim towards. There's a few sharks bumming around,
but as long as you just go about your business they probably won't bother you.
They might wander too close and take a nibble or two, but nothing worse.

Directly below is a stone pathway leading to the inside. Go ahead and enter.
Although whatever civilization built this place is no longer using it, it's
not going to waste, for it seems to have become a hangout for jellyfish,
because there's all kinds of jellyfish in there. Just sitting in the corners.
Watching your every move. It's creepy. Another equation for you to put in your
notes is jellyfish = bad, so don't touch them either. Swim ahead to the big
ass 3-disc door. In front of it on the floor is a pedestal with a big ass key
on it (wow, these people were really about size). Pick it up and place it in
either the left or right disc. She'll note that the door needs one more key.

There is a tunnel above and to the right which will take you out of the
temple. Halfway up this tunnel is a ledge to the right with a piece of
treasure on it. Treasure is the new "thing" these days, instead of having a
few hard-to-find artifacts per level, you have a lot of kind-of-hard-to-find
treasure per level. Anyway, you'll hear a chime when you approach the
treasure. The chime DOES NOT mean you picked it up. You still have to press E
you lazy scoundrel. Look to your right to locate a hill on the ocean floor
which has an opening to a smaller ruin on the side facing you. Swim towards
it BUT listen carefully. When you're about halfway there, take a sharp right
across the stone path towards a large conch-shaped rock formation. There is a
hidden doorway behind some thick vegetation facing towards you. Go in there
and follow the path all the way through, at the end of which is more treasure.
Sweetness! Backtrack and then go into the other doorway on the other side of
the stone path.

Inside, swim down until you get to a doorway where you can go left or right.
Turn left, then turn right 90 degrees to find some treasure at the end. Go
back through, take the other way, and grab the second key. Turn around, take
it back to the temple, and put it in the last disc. Now is the first "puzzle"
of the game. It's easy, but I'm not here to tell you that. On each of the
discs are symbols of either a closed eye or an open eye. Get all three open
eyes on the center disc. To do that, rotate them by pulling on the key in the
center of the disc. Pull on the center disc once, the left disc once, the
right one twice. Open sesame. Good job figuring out the way in. Too bad the
jellyfish beat you to it. God I hate those things.

Through this tunnel, as you are approaching the second right turn, there will
be a piece of treasure hiding on the left side behind a wall of rocks.
Continue on your way, and don't mind the giant bodiless tentacle that
withdraws as you approach it. Swim through the hole and surface. When you get
on dry land, go up the ledge and to the right where there are four vases, have
Lara bust them until one of them renders treasure. Turn around and go over the
ledges into the next room. In the water here, there is treasure on the bottom.

Use the fallen pillar sticking out of the water to get up to the other side
and climb onto the square block to your left with the health pack on it. Use
the ledges on the wall above to get up to another platform above and to the
right. Apparently she can walk on ledges against walls now, which is a nice
little addition. Here you can refresh your horizontal bar skillz. Basically
jump towards it, hold down the forward key (or whichever direction depending
on the case) and jam the Space bar. You'll make it to the other side alive, I
promise. Kick the vases, one of them has a surprise. Continue around the
corner until you find yourself clinging on a column above dry land, and safely
drop down.

Turn on the utility light if you haven't already done so. Stand on the
pedestal and grapple the ring sticking out of the giant snake head to your
right. Pull on it a couple of times because Lara's a vandal so the head breaks
off and lands on the pressure platform below (from my experience, the only
times I could get the grapple to work was when she was standing on the
pedestal). Now take the two small blocks in the center of the room and place
both of them on the other pressure pad. Sorry, this snake you can't destroy.
Go back to the pedestal and pull the lever to open the door to -gasp- can it
be we already found Avalon?!

Huh? The world of mist? Damn. Wrong underworld. And we were so close. Oh well.
Welcome to Niflheim anyway. Go through the passage. When you get to the big
hole in the ground, drop down then go through the small opening which takes
you to an adjacent hole. Here you can climb up the ledges to the top, making
sure to get the health pack on the ledge above where you came in, and kick the
vase sitting against the wall when you get to the top. That's all you have to
remember in regards to vases: when in doubt, kick it out.

When you get to the chamber with the tall ceiling, there are two antechambers
to either side of you; the left has a health pack, the right a treasure vase.
Continue forward to watch the cutscene.

Oh my. I hope Lara isn't planning to do what I think she's planning to do with
that hanging platform. Take a right and use the broken ledge segments on the
wall to your left to get across the gap. Turn the corner and slide down the
slope into the next gap. Go forward and take the first left, dropping down
onto the stairwell. In the corner to your left are a set of vases. You know
the drill by now. Go back up and now take that second left for another
treasure vase. Now turn around and go through the corridor across from the

In the next room, pull the grapple ring out to make the kraken retract its
tentacle, then uses to ledges to get to the floor above and pull the lever. Go
across the metal walkway into the open area above the kraken's head. To get to
the statue's outward most hand, step along its square shoulders and right arm.
From there, carefully jump onto the evil hanging ornament. Make your way
across the opposite metal walkway into the opposite room. This one is even
easier, simply stand across from the cog with the grapple ring and pull it out
using the grapple. Pull the lever then go back outside. Go to this statue's
left arm and jump onto the ledge on the wall next to it. Wrap around and hop
onto the balcony. Pull the lever to raise that demonic thing.... press Z to
aim accurately at the broken links in the chain.... ugh, I can't watch. Once
the evil deed is done, hook onto the grapple ring to the right and walk off
the balcony (she won't fall, I promise). Make your way safely to the bottom
and pull the lever to open the door into the next area.

But we're not done here yet. We still have to do a treasure run. Go down the
stairs in front of you; in the water is a piece of treasure in front and
slightly to the left. Now go across the room to the stairwell that's coming
out of the water, sitting on which is another piece. Follow the stairwell all
the way up to the corridor that splits into 3 paths. Take the left for
treasure then turn around and go back out. We're done with this crap now so
move on to the next area.

In the next corridor they'll have you tightrope walking and fun crap like
that. It's self-explanatory. Continue forward to the crib of Thor. In the far
right corner is a pole you can climb up to jump through an opening into an
adjacent room. Grab the health pack on one of the three stone slabs. Pick up
one of the small blocks, stand on the pressure pad, and throw the block
through the doorway. Make sure it clears the threshold. Repeat with the other
block. Now sprint off of the pressure pad through the doorway. Make sure YOU
clear the threshold. Put both blocks on either one of the pressure pads in
this room, then grapple the door and, while holding the grapple, step onto the
other pressure pad. When the lock is fully retracted, pull on the door to
knock it down. Approach the gauntlet.

After the cutscene where Amanda's thugs steal that hand thingy and blow up the
entrance to the room, you have to get out using an alternate route. First off,
there is treasure at the end of the room to the left. Turn around and go out,
taking a right into the reddish room where there is treasure to the left as
you enter. In the explosion, a piece of the wall in here was knocked out,
revealing an entrance to another tunnel. Go through the tunnel and when you
get to the next room, get the treasure vase at the far left end. Turn around
and go back towards the way you came in. The last pillar on the left is the
one you want to hop on. Climb up and then jump onto the hanging pillar next to
it. Use that one to get to the upper level. Locate the pillar top near you and
jump on that. Hop onto the hanging pillar and then to the outcropping ledge.
Jump across the room to another hanging pillar, then hop along the two pillar
tops to clear the room. At the end of the small tunnel ahead where she needs
to crouch walk to get through, there is a treasure pot to your left. Continue
out to the upper level of the main room, where we catch a glimpse of that
scuba bastard running away.

Go to the end of the ledge to the right where you'll be prompted to grapple
the ring above. Use that to swing across the room onto the other side. Make
sure you have her aiming in the right general direction. If you think fire and
jellyfish are bad, wait until you fall on your ass from 250 feet. Climb up the
wall and go around, sliding down the slope. There is a ledge in front of you
that you can hang from, use it to traverse along the wall, to the right. At
the end hop up and claim the treasure. Now look to the right and locate a
partially blocked doorway. Hop across the gap (it's a rough edge so she won't
grab onto it, so make sure you completely clear it). Go through the doorway to
get the relic inside. Now go all the way back to the slope you just slide down
from. Under it is the way out.

From here it's just backtracking. Go alllllll the way back to the boat. Lara,
now officially pissed off, will chase them, ready to put the smackdown on
them. Climb up the anchor then go to the railing to the left, but don't go
down the stairs. See if you can pick off one or two of the guards before you
actually go downstairs. Hold the right mouse button down to aim, hold the left
one down to shoot. Press R to switch between the pistols and your selected
secondary weapon (your default secondary weapon, the spear, badass though it
may be, is pretty useless on land, so press Tab to go into her little PDA menu
thing and change it to assault rifle or something like that). Just remember,
the ammo for some of that stuff goes fast so don't go Rambo or anything like
that. You also have sticky grenades, a new feature. You basically throw them
at stuff you want to explode. throw them at people. It's kind of cool when it
lands on someone and he freaks out for a few seconds before he blows up.

Anywho, just don't run out into the open or do anything stupid like that. Stay
behind cover, watch your back, and keep an eye on your health. If it runs low,
press V for a health pack.

DON'T just stand there shooting at some guy who's shooting you and you shoot
each other for 20 minutes before he dies because you'll take on too much
damage. Always be moving and press Ctrl while running to dodge. Basically it's
just standard action game stuff. You should know already.

Once all that's said and done, there's a box car on the right side of the boat
that doesn't have another stacked on top of it so you can climb on top of it.
Hop onto the double stack next to it, and jump around from stack to stack
until you can get up on the upper deck of the boat.

Now this ship is more or less symmetrical, meaning if you go either left or
right, you can keep going, don't worry about going back the other way because
that's just more thugs you have to fight. So go either left or right. There'll
be one or two guys waiting for you. When you get to more open area there's a
few more of them. Go down to the helipad, take out some more, and when the
coast is clear, go down the stairs and just keep fighting along until you get
to the open door at the end leading inside the ship. Again, fight your way
through. It's a straight path once inside. At one point you'll get to a
cutscene where that scuba bastard comes and attacks you, also inadvertently
blowing himself up, the dumbass. Keep going forward, take a left at the fork
in the road to commence an... interesting cutscene.

God I hate Natla. Anyway. Now that Lara knows where to go, the only thing we
have left to do is get out of the ship as it's sinking. Just keep going
straight. Sprint if you want, it adds to the effect. I mean it looks kind of
dumb for her to be just strolling along in such a perilous situation. The
falling debris can't hurt you. Trust me, I tried my best to get hit by debris
just for the purpose of being able to tell you whether or not to worry about
it. When you get to the part where it slows down and the flaming barrels are
flying at you, you actually can get hit by those, I would suggest cutting to
the right before they hit you. Up ahead, watch for flames that shoot out of
the wall to the left. When they do, they make a hole in the wall (or is it the
floor?). Climb onto the exposed bar in the hole, and from there climb up,
using various bars, ledges, and valve wheels to make your way to the top.

After you get to the top, the level ends. The bad guys get away, Lara gets her
toy, it's a win-win situation. Now it's off to the jungle. Yay.

So, I don't know if you're good at math, but you may have noticed that this
walkthrough is short 7 pieces of treasure. I know, I fail at life. I'll be
putting them in as soon as I find them.

================Coastal Thailand=================
==Treasure: 30===================================
==Relics: 1======================================

Welcome to scenic Thailand. It's rather nice actually. So from what I've
gathered (I may be wrong because I fell asleep during the last level), but it
seems that Lara wants to dress up as Thor for Halloween and is thus on a
global quest to find his various accessories. Which brings us here. You have
the choice of having her wear the jungle pants or the jungle shorts. It makes
no difference, it's just personal preference. I don't know why they did that,
I'm sure everyone picks the shorts.

And hopefully I can find all the treasure this time -_- On my personal game I
got like 20 treasure I think, so let's see if I can get them all this time.

|                 Remnants                |

As the level begins, head towards the cliff to the left. Go along until you
get to an inlet where the first treasure of the level lies at the bottom, at
the left side of the inlet. Once you get that head out in the open where there
are three big rock formations coming out of the water. There is a low platform
on the leftmost one that you can climb on from the water. In front of you
there will be rocky outcroppings to allow you to scale up the wall.

Up above you can go either left or right. Hop across a gap to the right, and
then continue along the ledges until you get to a little cove that has
treasure. It also has these big ass spiders that jump on you and bite you. If
they get on you (and they will), press the E button to throw them off. It
takes but one shot to kill them so they're not too much of a nuisance.
Backtrack along the ledges or do a cannonball and make your way back up. This
time go left.

Go all the way to the end of the ledge and jump backwards onto another. Press
Space as prompted to hop onto the ledge. Shimmy across, turning both corners
(very important), and then jump across to the opposite ledge. Go up the stairs
into another cove with more evil spiders. Grab the health pack at the far end.
To cross the gap over the inlet, slide down the extreme left side of the slope
and jump forward to have her grab a narrow ledge. Shimmy around and jump to
the horizontal bar above, then swing to the narrow ledge on the opposite wall.

As you climb up and turn the corner, you may notice a square ledge on the
right. That's right, more wall climbing. Scale down this wall until you're as
far down and to the left as you can be, then jump backwards to grab onto a
perpendicular ledge. Snag the treasure then make your way back up. At the top
of the stairs is, you guessed it, more spiders. Annoying little buggers. There
will be a stone wall face to Lara's left. Jump on that, and from there make
your way to the flat ground above. From here, run forward to the rock wall,
then at the end, turn LEFT (not a typo, I mean go left) and jump onto the top
of the rock formation below. Make sure you have at least 3/4 of your health.
Get the treasure then jump onto the ledge below, making your way back up to
the top. Now continue all the way down the path until you get to a big door
built into the mountainside.

Now here you should get ambushed by three tigers. Then again you might not,
for some reason they don't always appear here. Tigers are always messy to
fight because it's hard to dodge them. I would recommend taking the shotgun to
them, or at least the SMG.

Go up the stairs and locate three vases to the right. From here on out for the
rest of the level, the blue and orange fish jars are empty and the round
reddish-brown ones have treasure.

When you approach the farther column on the opposite side, a message will
prompt you to wall jump, something you usually see in only the most cartoony
of playstation2 games, which Lara has adopted this time around. To wall jump,
just jump on a wall, and from there all you have to do is jam the space bar.
If you do it right, she'll grab onto a ledge at the top of the column. Shimmy
around to the other side and jump to the other column. From there, jump to the
edge of the overhanging ceiling and go along the ledge to the other side, to
another column. Hop to the column opposite that one (whoo column city up in
here). Climb along the ledge of another overhanging ceiling, and from there
make your way up to the top.

Congratulations, your officially in the temple complex area. Go forward until
you get to the end. In front of you is a series of ledges which, though
delapidated, have a set of ledges and horizontal bars configured in such a way
to get you to the ground safely, which would be otherwise impossible.

Trust me. It NEVER fails.

Grab the ledge on the left pillar. Make your way from the left pillar to the
right pillar to the right horizontal bar to the left horizontal bar. From here
climb on top of the bar so she's standing on it, then jump to the adjacent
ledge on the cliffside. On this ledge, shimmy all the way right and jump
backwards to get a grip on the third pillar. Drop down to the ledge about
halfway down, and then hop to the horizontal bar to the left. From there you
can get to the pillar that has ledges going all the way down to make it safely
below. Grab the health pack and head to the right. Take out the two tigers
that pop out from hilltop.

Continue right. On your right side, shortly before the stream opens up into
kind of a pond is a short wall with a corner in the middle. Behind it hides a
sneaky treasure jar. On the opposite side of the stream, at the far end of the
valley, is another set of pillars. We'll be taking these ones up. Pick up the
health packs at either end of the stone path here, then find the low beam
suspended between two pillars. Climb on it, and use the ledges and such to
make your way up. When you get to a dead end, remember you can wall jump up
between the two pillars. When you get to the ledge at the top, you may notice
a set of ledges on the pillars to your left, but ignore those for now. Take a
right across another beam and two pillar tops to get to the ledge of the
temple roof. On this ledge, shimmy to the area on the left for a health pack,
then to the area on the right for treasure.

When you get through the mangled tree trunks to the other open roof area,
three tigers will ambush you. Maybe two, one of them tends to fall off
sometimes. Make your way up the stairs. Just before you get to the top,
immediately turn left and go along that way, using the bar to swing across the
gap to the raised area on the other side. Go down this way to a slope in the
cliffside. Slide down the slope; she will grab the ledge on the bottom. Drop
down to the ledge below, then hop over to the bar. Swing to the other bar, DO
NOT swing again. Or you will die. Jump up so she's standing on the bar, then
jump to the ledge. Shimmy across for the treasure. Climb to the outcropping
beam above, then jump to the adjacent beam on the temple wall across the
stream. Use the ledges to make it safely back up.

This time go up the stairs and continue down the corridor. Luck just has it
that the whole frickin floor is collapsed except for a few beams, so you'll
have to use those to make your way across without falling into the hole of no
escape. While you do that, about seven bats will come floating around the
corner one at a time. They take only one shot so don't stress out too much. At
the end, crawl through the wreckage. The floor here is gone too, but the hole
is much nicer than the last one, and you can go down without dying. We can't
go left so take a right and climb up the wall there. On this one you'll have
to wall jump off the stone wall to the left to get up on the beam. Get the
treasure from the vase at the end of the corridor. Now you'll have to go along
the broken beams to cross over the area below and get to the other side of the
corridor. Along the way some spiders will come out, but you should be safe.
You can shoot them when you're on a beam or a horizontal pole, so make sure
you kill them out before you drop down on the other side. Turn the corner to
start a cutscene where she talks to her little box thingy.

|                Bhogavati                |

Start off the level by going forward and jumping off the edge. Just kidding,
don't do that. What we really want to do is take a left. Actualy there's two
ways to go about this, I'll tell you both ways.

The fun way: Head left, turning the corner just in time to see a primeval
frickin lizard crawl up the wall out of sight. I'm sure we'll have fun with
those... go down the rocky outcroppings to the area below. Once you do a few
evil bats will ambush you. On the wall farthest from entrance to the level is
a ledge you can grab. Shimmy all the way right and jump across to the ledge on
the bottom of an overhanging stone structure. Make your way around to the
other side, then wall jump up the narrow space until you get to the top.

The quick way: Just as you turn left from the beginning, there is a gap under
the banister. Crawl through and grab the ledge. Shimmy all the way right and
hop onto the pillar top. Use the pillars and ledges to get to the overhanging

Once you're there, get the health pack at the far end, then come back and pull
out the grappling ring on the chain. Make your way back down to the lower
area. Under the overhanging platform where you entered the level is a
grappling ring to swing across to the other side. Where you land there will be
treasure... must've gotten lazy with hiding that one...

In the next small area you'll find a stray pole lying on the ground. Pick it
up and place it in the corresponding hole in the pillar in front of you. When
the yellow hand sign appears, press E to insert tab A into slot B. Voila!
Lara's a regular MacGyver. Climb on the pole, then use the ledges on the
pillars to make your way across to the wall, then back up on top of the
pillars. Hop across to the reach overhanging structure numero 2, which is just
the exact opposite of the one across the way, right down to the health pack on
the far end. The only difference is you pull out a pole to release the chain
rather than a grapple ring.

To get back to where you started, from one of the pillar tops you can grab a
ledge on the wall where you can climb up and through the banister, up into the
corridor. Go to the overhanging platform, where there is a lever on the left
front side. Pull the lever.

Hmm. Well. All I can say is, somebody f***ed up here. Cuz I'm pretty sure the
platform wasn't supposed to do that. When time slows down press Q to grapple
onto the wall and avoid gratuitous death.

                         V. Bugs and Glitches           (G5BUGG)

Any fan of the TR series knows how it is infamous for its numerous bugs and
glitches in any title. Over the past 12 or so years, we've had countless
frustrating experiences where Lara will do something stupid like forget how to
fire or put away weapons, pick up and lose key items, and more often than not,
blatantly spit on the laws of physics by walking through walls, falling
through floors, and getting her ass stuck on some kind of interactable object,
to name a few. Sometimes I think she's been a jackass on purpose all these
years just to f*** with us.

Although the number of bugs in TR games decreased after Eidos dumped Core for
Crystal Dynamics (one of those 'it's not you, it's me' things), they still
have a few kinks to work out. Here's a list of bugs and glitches that I know
of, and possible ways to deal with them if you are so unlucky as to experience
them. Of course, if you have any information on bugs or ways to fix them,
please send me them. You will be duly credited.

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